Wednesday, June 13, 2007

The Other Side, by Alexis Terrell

Hi my name is Alexis Terrell and I have just finished reading The Other Side. It is about a girl named Clover and she is an Afican American girl and another girl named Annie and she is white. One day Annie came to the fence to watch Clover and her friends jump rope so Annie asked them could she play and Aondra said NO!!! without the other girls catching their breath. So all the friends went home to go to sleep. The next morning when Clover was trying to look for Annie, Annie was in a puddle of water jumping and laughing with joy! Until one day Clover's mom and her were heading for the grocery store when Clover saw Annie and her mom walking by and Clover was looking at Annie but Clover's mom said "Child don't stare at her. Its not pollite and that day on they were friends forever. It kind of makes me sad because now we can play with any kind of colored people but our great, great grandmas and pappa's couldn't.

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